Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Going, going....gone!
Here is a list of styles I will no longer be selling: Bun With Curlies, Twistie Bun, Formal Bun, Fancy Bun, Bun With Ringlets, Chignon. If you have any of the older styles with the old school texturing, I will be redoing the ones I have not mentioned above. I feel these can be retextured and reworked enough to stay in the store and maintain what I feel meets the standards I have set. If you have one of these older styles, check the store. If you see it's been redone with the newer textures IM me and I will send you the new design once you've sent me the old one. If you love the old one but want the new one too Let me know, you can have it at a special price. Hugs!
Monday, June 26, 2006
It's Monday
Monday...blah. It's raining here. How cliche`. Rainy days and Monday's...Anyways. I am having big time computer problems. I'm crashing in SL every 10 min (or less). I can't stay logged in. Tried for 45 minutes last night and got so mad I just shut the whole thing down and said screw it. I was able to get the new Wild Thang hair out into the store. I also did some remodeling to make more room for the Flex Hair section which is growing quickly and I see no end in sight. I need feedback though. Do yall like the flex hair enough for me to keep making only flex or do you still like the static hair also? I welcome comments here or IMs in world. Even if I can't stay logged in I get them via email so please send me your thoughts. I'm going to try something now with my computer and see if this helps. If it doesn't I think (sadly) I won't be able to work until Bubba gets here and I have my new computer he's building for me. Gosh I hope this works. Please cross your fingers. And toes...and eyes ;) HUGS!!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Wild Weekend??

Well here they are. Wild Thang Hair and the Wild Thang Outfits. I'll have them out soon. Like maybe tonight for the hair. And the clothes out Saturday/Sunday. I'm waiting on the outfits because they were created for our theme night at Silver Dollar Saloon for myself, Diana, SeaWay and Mystic. The event is Saturday 5PM SL time. So hopefully after that I'll have them out. Sunday early hours at the latest. Sneak Peek winner is , Enjoy and get a little wild this weekend ;) Hugs!!
Coming This weekend...Wild Thang!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Piggies!! For Big and Lil Gurls

So it's Wednesday. Another update. What's this 5 weeks in a row now? I've lost track. But however many weeks it's been, that's how many weeks SL has not worked right for me. So I've stayed in my skybox/office/work area. I guess it's been good in that I've been very creative, lol. But I really wanna shop. Bubba will be here soon tho and with him and his sexy self comes a new PC. I can wait. Really I can....Ok, so I'm impatient. I want him here NOW! And the PC will be nice too. I can just imagine what it will be like to function normal again in SL. Ok well, back to business here. I have two new ones for today. One for the big gurls and one for the lil gurls. It's the same style just sized for adult or kid sized avies. The piggies have flex tho it should be noted they are not total flex. That wouldn't look right. Sorry. And those of you who know me, know I won't sell it if it ain't just so. So. Here they are. The Sneak Peek winner for the group was Jaimie Jaques. Good luck with the new baby when he/she gets here Jaimie. And the lil gurl one went to Lilsugar Darling. Daughter of my good friend Anjilla Alexander and her hubby Michael Steinbeck. Hugs yall. See you here tomorrow. (If not sooner)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Princess - UpDo For the Ladies

Ok Ladies here you go. It's called Princess. So elegant and formal perfect for that new formal gown you just got right? So now where to wear it....Silver Dollar Saloon Saturday night. It's our formal event. We have a theme night every Saturday and the first Saturday of the month is always formal. So there you go. All dressed up and somewhere to go. Hope you like it. The Sneak Peek winner is Sky Christianson. Hope you liked it Sky. Ok now I'm taking a much needed break, then I will be in to put the hair out in the salon. See you in a few. Hugs yall!
Casual - Flex Hair for the guys :)
Happy Monday
Two new styles coming later today. One for the men and one for the ladies. The men's has flex. The ladies is an updo. Very formal and so pretty. Pictures coming very soon. Working on them now. See you soon in the salon. Listen up you might be the one chosen for the "Sneak Peek" Hugs!
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Middle of the night again and more hair. I'm starting a pattern here that I need to break. Hard to sleep tho. Bubba and I both have loved ones in the hospital so I guess I'm stressed and my mind is working overtime. So I do like I've always done when I worry/stress. I stay busy. So here it is...Demure. It's flex, and long. Has a headband with color change. That's new. Never did a headband before. It's cute tho. And I like it. Was gonna put it in the store tonight but Milu crashed when I went back in. Imagine that, Milu crashin. Hmm. Yea ok so the 'Sneak Peek' group member chosen tonight: Aunnia Wilberg. Hope you enjoy it Aunnia :)I am too tired to put this in the salon tonight. I will do it soon as I wake up. Hope I see a bunch of our group members there. The winner of the Sneak Peek is Zoria Montgomery. Have fun with it Zoria! Hugs!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Tams joins the blog fest

OK. So I have a blog now...hmm, ok yea. I can do this :) I'm sure of it. Here is the latest style I've created just out tonight. Well it's today isn't it since it's nearly 6am. It's called Suspicion. Don't ask how I named it. I won't tell :P Lots of times my styles have meaning behind the name, but oftentimes it's just something either myself or my friends who are there while I create think are cool. I suppose as I share them from here on out I will tell how they came to be named. If it's interesting. So here it is. Think I will sleep now. Oh and the winner for the Sneak Peek is Tabitha Somme. Hope you enjoy it Tabitha Hugs :)
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