I wanted to post my Hair Fair releases the day it started. Well, life has a funny way of making things slip to the back of your mind when you're trying to do 10 things at once, lol. So what are these 10 things, you ask? A few worth mentioning are: 1. New store build which should be ready for a grand re-opening September 9th or thereabouts. 2. Retexturing all my designs with the new textures I've been working on. 3. Hair Fair fun stuffs...well I could keep going but you get the idea. The new store is nearly complete and I am in the process of restocking it will all the hair I've retextured. It is just amazing, wait till you all see it. I am so excited. It's HUGE!! Lots of room for new releases ;) Hair Fair is going really well. The first days were bogged down with so much lag you could barely move, but it has gotten better now and you can actually walk around, so if you haven't braved it yet, go for it it's well worth the trip. Below are pictures of my new releases for the fair. Going on in my main store in Dixie is the 50% off sale still. All hair is half price because I will be releasing new textures soon. Once the sale is over and I tear down the old store those textures will be history. Some of the designs will also be retired, so go get what you want as soon as you can. This will be over in a week or so. I will not be releasing any more designs with these textures, and I will not sell them anymore either. I have 206 new textures, new packs and lots of extra goodies. I think everyone is going to find their favorite packs and enjoy exploring the new colors. It's so exciting. I have color demos at the hair fair so anyone wanting to try out the new packs head over there and check them out. I will put the color demos for the new textures out in my main store a day or two before the new build is ready to open so anyone missing out on hair fair can check them out. Below are the pictures for the new releases offered only at hair fair. Hope to see you soon either in Dixie or at the Hair Fair. Have an awesome day :)