Well tonight is the grand opening of the new store. And what happens...a grid attack. Don't it figure? So I didn't make a big fuss about it because log in's were closed and those in world we probably afraid to venture out. And I don't blame anyone. So I went ahead with it since we had decorated and all. And pleasantly a lot showed up. Thank you to those who were able to make it. So what I've decided to do is this. We will redo the party on Sunday October 15th. A big formal affair. So those of you who would like to come and just have a good time, dance, dress up..Please do come. I will send an announcement to the group again with an invitation as for the time and all. And those not in the group *gasp!!! I'll drop on you individually. If anyone would like an invite but you're neither in my group or on my friends list just IM me on say Wednesday and I'll send you one. Now for the good stuff....The new hair released today is called Rebelicious. And it's a sexy lil do. As I said in the previous post, it's named for Rebel Hope. A dear friend and an amazing woman. I'd adding the ad so you can peek if you havent seen it yet in the store. I have a lot more to get out into the store but I went from most recent backwards and redid them all with the new colors, added colors, and have quite a few of the older ones to get out. Some I'll be discontinuing. So you might notice some are not there anymore. I'm working to get them all out tho so check back if there is one missing you want to get in the new colors. Or IM me and ask for it. I'll do it up for you. In the meanwhile I hope to see you in Dixie. Hugs yall!
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